Sabor de la Montaña

A Journey through the Ostional Wildlife Refuge

A Costa Rican Treasure

The Ostional Wildlife Refuge, located on the Nicoya Peninsula in the Province of Guanacaste, is a paradise for nature lovers and a place of interest for visitors to our restaurant. This refuge is famous for being one of the most important nesting sites in the world for sea turtles, especially the Kemp’s ridley.

The refuge was created in 1984 with the aim of protecting sea turtles and their eggs from poachers. What makes Ostional Beach special are the “arribadas”, or massive arrivals of turtles to nest. During these arribadas, there are so many turtles that it is almost impossible to walk on the beach.

In addition to being a sanctuary for turtles, Ostional is also an excellent place for surfers. Between the main nesting area and the conservation grounds, you’ll find a haven of surf breaks. The waves are consistent and offer a challenge for surfers of all levels.

If you plan to visit the refuge, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, you must be respectful when visiting the nesting place of the turtles and follow the instructions of the guides. Also, it is important to wear dark colors, as turtles are sensitive to colors and bright light.

The Ostional Wildlife Refuge is not only a place of interest for its rich wildlife, but also for its proximity to other natural and cultural attractions. You can explore the Diria and Barra Honda National Parks, which are part of the Tempisque Conservation Area. Barra Honda is ideal for a hike, but even more for the caves below the mountain.

In conclusion, the Ostional Wildlife Refuge is a Costa Rican treasure that offers a unique and unforgettable experience. Whether you are interested in wildlife, surfing, or just enjoying the natural beauty, Ostional has something to offer. So after enjoying a delicious meal in our restaurant, why not plan a visit to this wonderful haven?

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