Sabor de la Montaña


Ostional Refugio Atardeser

A Journey through the Ostional Wildlife Refuge

A Costa Rican Treasure The Ostional Wildlife Refuge, located on the Nicoya Peninsula in the Province of Guanacaste, is a paradise for nature lovers and a place of interest for visitors to our restaurant. This refuge is famous for being … Read More


Our commitment to fresh and local ingredients

The farm of Sabor de la Montaña By choosing eco-tours, visitors are directly contributing to conservation efforts and supporting the local economy. Eco-tours not only allow visitors to immerse themselves in Costa Rica’s impressive biodiversity, but also promote sustainable tourism … Read More

Equipo de Trabajo Sabor de la Montana

Contributing to Sustainability in Costa Rica

The Eco-Tours of Sabor de la Montaña Sustainable living is of the utmost importance, especially in a biodiversity hotspot like Costa Rica. This country is recognized worldwide for its environmental policies and achievements, which have helped it build its Green … Read More

De la finca al Restaurante

The farm-to-table philosophy in our Sabor de la Montaña menu

The farm-to-table philosophy in our Sabor de la Montaña menu At ‘Taste of the Mountain’, we firmly believe in the farm-to-table philosophy. This philosophy is based on the idea that the freshest and most nutritious food comes straight from the … Read More

Sabor de la Montaña

Life on the farm: Explore our properties for sale in Guancaste

Life on the farm: Explore our properties for sale in Costa Rica At Taste of the Mountain, we offer more than a culinary experience. We invite you to be part of the beauty of the Costa Rican countryside, to live … Read More

welness nosara

A Paradise of Relaxation and Nature in Costa Rica

A Paradise of Relaxation and Nature in Costa Rica Nosara, located on the Nicoya Peninsula in the Guanacaste Province, is a paradise for nature lovers and a place of interest for visitors to our restaurant. This place is famous for … Read More